Anyone who has ever tried to market on the internet knows the struggle: it seems like something that should work in theory. You pay for a service expecting sales. What you get is analytics and ideas from them. They tell you what to do but not how to do it. The service gives you some suggestions and ideas. If it doesn’t work, they’re quick to blame you. Why did you pay a service just to blame their failure on you? You do what they say or what you think they told you to do.

You integrate their suggestions to the best of your ability and budget. In some cases, you pay money you didn’t expect to pay to make their ideas happen with results taking up to three months to see results. With delayed results like that, you never know if they did anything, if you misunderstood their advice, or something changed. With so much time, energy, and head space wasted, you eventually give up, assuming that inbound marketing is beyond the reach and budget of a company your size.

The end result is you’ve paid for an expensive slave driver to tell you what to do but not how to do it. You put your money into a very expensive black box without knowing what you are receiving in return. You pay agencies and services to play defense for you.

Site marketing is a knife fight. Companies are constantly innovating and iterating. Most companies don’t have the time, budget or bandwidth to keep up. We take our marketing, technical and SEO expertise to take a problem and automatically find the opportunities then we do it without your needing to do a thing. Why just pay someone to tell you what to do, when you can pay us to do it!

That’s where we’re different. We don’t just play defense. We go on the offense too! We automate inbound marketing without you needing to do anything except for buy our service. You don’t need to pay for additional services, website layouts, scripts or graphics.

We automate internet marketing through the defense: the analytics, the keyword search results, the A/B testing. Then we go on the offense: updated site mapping, improving your site loading speed and content generation automatically updating your website to fit marketing needs without telling you what to do—we just do it!

We analyze the various marketing analytics to gauge performance from multiple angles. We review the keyword search results. We do the A/B testing letting data lead us to our ultimate truth and next steps. Based on our analysis we play offense: we put your site on our servers for faster loading to rank you higher in search engine results, we index your site so that the search engines find it and rank it higher, we integrate new keywords, and we find new content to fit what our marketing engine tells us.

Rather than buying a slave driver, you get a marketing master that works automatically analyzing, adapting and shaping your site to achieve unprecedented sales where those other services have failed.